Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pygmalion Preview: Must-Sees, Conflicts, and Bus Routes

So, the Pyg starts tomorrow. Here's a look at what we recommend checking out, plus the nastiest scheduling conflicts.

Not much to say about this...there's only one show, and every band on it is amazing. Go early and pick up a copy of the new Headlights album before it comes out officially.

Don't miss: Ohtis (Canopy, 6:20pm), Starfucker (Courtyard Cafe, 9:30pm), Joe Pug (Canopy, 9:40pm), World's First Flying Machine (Red Herring, 10pm), Bob Nanna (Krannert Art Museum, 10:45pm), Skream (Highdive, 12am)

Ohtis is a must-see. Their album, If This Country Had a Heart, That's Where I Was Born, is one of the best of the year, and this is their last show, ever. In the same vein, World's First Flying Machine are one of the best local groups playing the festival, and they really kill live. The Early Day Miners/Starfucker/Joe Pug/My Brightest Diamond clusterfuck is also pretty bad, but I guess we'll have to deal with having too many shows going on in this town (for once!). Personally, I guess it depends what kind of mood you're in (and if you can still deal with shows at Courtyard), but I'll be at Starfucker. And of course, if you're in the dancing mood, you really can't go wrong with Skream. The insanity of Dubstep Massacre combined with the biggest Dubstep artist in the world is gonna be nuts.

Don't miss: Ryan Groff (Blues, 12pm), Kilroy, et al (Sandella's, 2:15pm), Tina Sparkle (Mike & Molly's, 8:15pm), BLK JKS (Canopy, 8:20pm), Low (Channing-Murray, 9pm), Oceans (Red Herring, 10:30pm), Autolux (Canopy, 11:10pm), Alpha Mile (Bentley's, 11:30pm), Withershins (Red Herring, 12:30am)

This one isn't too terrible as far as the schedule goes...basically the tiny-venue that Low is playing in creates some issues, since you have to skip all the shows before that to make sure you get in the door. Discounting that, this really isn't so bad. If you've ever heard the stunningly good Under and In by Glifted, whose Tim Last also plays in Alpha Mile (not to mention Hum), you'll want to hit that show at (the tiny and fucking awesome) Bentley's. Otherwise, check out Autolux at Canopy. Withershins, who feature Isaac (formerly of the beloved Blanketarms), have a nice shoegaze-inspired sound, and you really can't go wrong with a show at the Red Herring.

Don't miss: Tim Stephens (Parasol, 12:40pm), Zach May & the Maps (Exile on Main St., 2:30pm), New Ruins (Parasol, 3:40pm), The Horse's Ha (Parasol, 3:40pm), Lymbyc Systym (Courtyard Cafe, 6pm), Take Care (Bentley's, 10:30pm), YACHT (Canopy, 10:45pm), The Life and Times (Mike & Molly's, 11:15pm), The Hood Internet (Canopy, 11:45pm), Gazelle (Cowboy Monkey, 12am)

Saturday is bad. It looks like someone took every band I wanted to see and stuck them between 10pm and Midnight. On the bright side, you don't really have anything to distract you during Iron & Wine, which I imagine will go over a lot better in Krannert than The National did. The Horse's Ha's laid-back sound should work a lot better in the Parasol store than in Cowboy Monkey, and Zach May and the Maps are definitely worth checking out if you're missing them Friday to get a good spot for low. Elsewhere, check out the loudest band in the midwest (The Life and Times), 3/5ths of fireflies (one of the best local bands, ever) performing as Take Care, and an almost-Absinthe Blind reunion (Gazelle, whose live band will feature everyone except for Seth). I'd say check out local scene godfathers Lonely Trailer, but avoid the conflicts by seeing frontman Tim Stephens earlier in the day at Parasol.

If you haven't been reading the official website, you should start. For one, you find out great things like the fact that you get to ride the bus for free if you have a wristband. You also find out that there really isn't too much about which buses to take to get to the venues. So, if you're lazy and can't be bothered to check out the C-U MTD site, here's a breakdown, with the Canopy as ground zero:

from the Canopy Club
-to Krannert Art Museum: 22 Illini North to ARC/Law Building (picks up at Nevada and Goodwin)
-to Downtown Champaign venues (Bentley's, Exile on Main, Mike & Molly's, Highdive, Cowboy Monkey): 12 Teal West to Illinois Terminal (picks up at Nevada and Goodwin) or 5 Green West to Illinois Terminal (picks up at Illini Union)
-to Parasol records: 13 Silver North to Springfield and Cedar or 5 Green East to Green and Cedar (both pick up at Illini Union)
-to Courtyard Cafe/Blues/Sandella's/Krannert/Red Herring/Channing-Murray: walk. Its like a block, seriously.

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