Monday, September 21, 2009

Pygmalion: Thursday

Ohtis (Void Room, 6:20 pm)
First things first: Ohtis are not breaking up. However, Sam (guitarist) is apparently moving to Detroit. The band seemed disoriented (or drunk?), but still turned in great versions of "Sugar Babe", "Downtown Your Heart", and "Lollalollalollalollalollalollapalooza". I'd like to add that Ohtis' album, If This Country Had a Heart, That's Where I Was Born is one of the best things I've heard in a long time, local or not. It can be (legally!) downloaded at their Myspace MEGABLOG

Brooke Waggoner (Krannert Art Museum, 7:20 pm)
I was expecting standard girl-with-piano fare from this set, which is just about what it was, albeit with some excellent technical work. I found myself wishing I'd arrived earlier to Liz Janes, whose closing number was far better than anything I heard Brooke Waggoner play.

Joe Pug (Canopy Club, 9:40 pm)
Joe Pug is better than Bob Dylan because you don't have to deal with a bunch of rabid Bob Dylan fans (think Mac fanboys, but in the 1960s. authentic!). That said, this was actually a really enjoyable set, with "Bury Me Far From My Uniform" and (of course) "Nation of Heat" being the standouts.

Decibully (Void Room, 10:30 pm)
Last time Decibully played Pygmalion, they got their set cut due to a late show running late. The time after that, at Courtyard in May, I was the only person who showed up to the show. I can't begin to describe how awesome it is to see them actually get to play a full set to an enthusiastic audience. They covered most of their new album, World Travels Fast, including awesome versions of "Don't Believe the Hype" and "Broken Glass". Thankfully, at least one old favorite ("Penny, Look Down") made it's way into the set as well.

Maserati (Canopy, 11:10pm)
I can't even begin to describe how awesome this was. Top 5 set of the festival, easily. Jerry Fuchs is a god...I've never seen anyone play drums like that. Tristan guested on a massive, kraut-influenced "Show Me the Season", and the closer ("Monoliths") was even better.

Skream (Highdive, 12am)
If anyone caught the epic flamewar regarding this show on SmilePolitely, you know that several of the main players in the DM crew were hyping this pretty heavily. They weren't joking. Skream owned the crowd like few electronic acts can. This wasn't a Girl Talk show where everyone is more focused on their friends or how much fun they're having. The whole crowd was rapt on Skream as he meticulously layered vinyl samples, sequencers, and bass bombs to create his excellent set. While I left before the very end of his set (1:45), it sounded like he even dropped some DnB as I was walking out the door.

Elsinore (House Party, 2:00am)
This was pretty awesome, but next time maybe setup in the basement, guys. Its like nobody here knows how to run a house show anymore (not that there weren't multiple awesome shows or to disparage anyone setting them up, but AFAIK every single one except for The Ruckus got busted). That said, Elsinore were pretty great. Crowd was rockin'. Headlights and Maserati were due to play after, but the cops showed up during Elsinore's last song. That said, the house party idea is fucking awesome, and I seriously hope this continues in years to come.

(photos: Ben, Sarah)

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